Wednesday, January 9, 2008

True Blue

Imagine you are lying on a field in a place far away from the noisy vehicle sounds of town and looking up in the clear blue beautiful sky surrounded by some fluffy white clouds. Then you look further to the clear blue sea below you. At that moment, all your worries and trouble sort of melt away.........How many of us do not work hard the whole year to be in such a beautiful and peaceful place. But calmness can be experienced from within as well as from external. If you want to feel peaceful, surround yourself with sky blue or baby blue things.

I remember at one time I was experiencing trouble sleeping for a few nights due to stress. One night, I just close my eyes and imagine a cool calming shade of blue mixed with lilac. And I feel asleep not long after that and managed to have a peaceful night of sleep. I recommend this as a relaxation method to you are currently experiencing stress.

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