Hi there! Welcome to my site… My name is Yin Teing and I am from Malaysia. From young I have always been fascinated with handmade products but never could make them. I fared badly in art classes as I could not draw or do any craft projects successfully- I just did not know how. So my art teachers have written me off on creativity and I believed I will never have any creative inspiration… until when I was 19 years old.
I was terribly stressed doing that time. We had to sit for one of the hardest government exams (STPM) that will determine if we are to make it to the local universities or not. And during my time, if you do not achieve reasonably good grades (benchmarked according to the performance of students in the entire country), you would have wasted two years of your life for nothing. It was a real trying time because I really hate to study for examinations. Yes, I am a bookworm but only read books on areas that I like such as New Age, business, PC and craft. Study for exams? No way! It is a sure way to eliminate any interest I have on the subject.
Then out of the blue, amidst the pressure that I felt was caving in on me, I found my mind started churning out many creative craft ideas on its own. It was triggered when my best friend showed me a couple of beautiful beaded hairclips. I also had my Maths teacher to thank- she wore beautiful hair combs and hair clips from Evita Peroni. It costs at least RM49.90 each. So my mind started to develop desire and interest to make something similar. The ideas will twirl around my head the whole day. At first I resisted them because I got lots of yucky books to memorize. But the ideas persisted and kept on playing- it will only shut itself off when I sit down and work on them. Maybe it was due to a subconscious desperate attempt to escape from the pressure. For when I sat down and concentrate on the designs, I get lost in my own world. I find that the craft helped me to relax.
Creativity has benefited me not only in craft but in many situations in my life. I have learned to think out of the box and search for alternative solutions. When there are limited resources or help, it came to my aid to get my job done. For example, I love to create website but have zero programming knowledge. I created this site from adaptations of Microsoft word. No Dreamweaver or Front page.
If you set your creativity free, it flows into other aspect of your life. Do not “imprison” it.
Creativity can be a very useful tool in your life too. Unfortunately, I am not in the position to teach others how to develop it. There are many books out there in the market that can guide you to tap into your creative side. Your mind is actually very powerful and capable of much more than you give it credit for.
Some people take up creative hobbies part time because if they do it full time, it may kill off their interest in the subject. I am one of them. Most items are made from my heart and I gave them away to people that I cherish. Doing it for money will give me a “creativity block”. But if you have lots of creative energy within you and are seriously thinking to venture full time, do not jump in straight. Start by doing part time first to see if it is suitable and at the same time to built up your client base. Then take the plunge only when you gain confidence and experience.
Do you know in the world wide web out there, there are many wonderful sites where creative people share their creations, ideas and crafts with others- for free? This has greatly inspired me to learn about creating a website and sharing it with others. As I have a lot of other diversified interest from business and colours to astrology, I have added these sections covering my area of interest.
Over the years, I have received a number of emails from people all over the world who have visited my site. I am happy to know that the site has helped and inspired others. Hopefully my site would be helpful in providing information that you need to search for. I would be grateful if you could share your feedback with me.
I hope you will also be inspired to create your own site… and share it with me.
Best regards & take care,
Yin Teing
Then out of the blue, amidst the pressure that I felt was caving in on me, I found my mind started churning out many creative craft ideas on its own. It was triggered when my best friend showed me a couple of beautiful beaded hairclips. I also had my Maths teacher to thank- she wore beautiful hair combs and hair clips from Evita Peroni. It costs at least RM49.90 each. So my mind started to develop desire and interest to make something similar. The ideas will twirl around my head the whole day. At first I resisted them because I got lots of yucky books to memorize. But the ideas persisted and kept on playing- it will only shut itself off when I sit down and work on them. Maybe it was due to a subconscious desperate attempt to escape from the pressure. For when I sat down and concentrate on the designs, I get lost in my own world. I find that the craft helped me to relax.
Creativity has benefited me not only in craft but in many situations in my life. I have learned to think out of the box and search for alternative solutions. When there are limited resources or help, it came to my aid to get my job done. For example, I love to create website but have zero programming knowledge. I created this site from adaptations of Microsoft word. No Dreamweaver or Front page.
If you set your creativity free, it flows into other aspect of your life. Do not “imprison” it.
Creativity can be a very useful tool in your life too. Unfortunately, I am not in the position to teach others how to develop it. There are many books out there in the market that can guide you to tap into your creative side. Your mind is actually very powerful and capable of much more than you give it credit for.
Some people take up creative hobbies part time because if they do it full time, it may kill off their interest in the subject. I am one of them. Most items are made from my heart and I gave them away to people that I cherish. Doing it for money will give me a “creativity block”. But if you have lots of creative energy within you and are seriously thinking to venture full time, do not jump in straight. Start by doing part time first to see if it is suitable and at the same time to built up your client base. Then take the plunge only when you gain confidence and experience.
Do you know in the world wide web out there, there are many wonderful sites where creative people share their creations, ideas and crafts with others- for free? This has greatly inspired me to learn about creating a website and sharing it with others. As I have a lot of other diversified interest from business and colours to astrology, I have added these sections covering my area of interest.
Over the years, I have received a number of emails from people all over the world who have visited my site. I am happy to know that the site has helped and inspired others. Hopefully my site would be helpful in providing information that you need to search for. I would be grateful if you could share your feedback with me.
I hope you will also be inspired to create your own site… and share it with me.
Best regards & take care,
Yin Teing
This post was originally from my first geocities website.
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